Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.
Tad Williams

In loving memory of Madeleine and Robert Richardson. I am grateful for the time that we had, and I miss you both. You will be with me where ever the road may lead.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Crazy Qu@&#^&*$

Last pic in Maine... Beautiful country. We saw 2 moose by the road, but weren't quick enough to shoot em (with our cameras of course). Border crossing was pretty smooth. they collected C$50, the gun declaration forms, and barely peeked in Dante. I guess they weren't bored enough to actually want to unload the whole Durango. They just looked in the gun case, made sure they weren't loaded, and sent us on our way.
OK... It really is a different world up here. An interesting mix of France and the US. The main roads go right through "villages" that zone homes and businesses right next to each other, speed limit signs are in km/hr, and can anyone explain how much we're paying for gas (from above pic)??? I'm guessing 131.1 cents per liter? Add 5%, move the decimal point over 2 spots, multiply by 4... Street signs are ALL different except for the Hexagonal Red ARRET sign (stop). AND the tomtom is completely useless up here, in fact the locals say that even their GPS is useless up here. We drove around half blind trying to find the KOA. Not sure if it's harder to understand Quebec english or french. They are both a bit off, but a local girl pointed us in the right direction, and we found our little cabin just in time to cook a quick dinner and get a fire started before it got dark.
Going into Quebec today, and then heading south. Probably going to stay in Montreal area tonight
A Bientot...

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