Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.
Tad Williams

In loving memory of Madeleine and Robert Richardson. I am grateful for the time that we had, and I miss you both. You will be with me where ever the road may lead.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baaaaaah (Montreal) Humbug!

Ok, Maybe we didn't give it a fair shake, but we were totally unimpressed with Montreal. Everything between the outskirts of Quebec to, and far and beyond Montreal is flat, boring, farmland. Agriculture is WAY beyond anything I've seen in the US (granted, I've stayed away from a lot of the boring "in the middle" States). Rolling west on I-40 through the city was agonizing. We hit the back end of rush hour traffic, and I thought Americans were horrible drivers... Construction didn't help the situation any, but I've NEVER seen such horrible traffic patterns. They went from 4/5 lanes to 2, which then split into 2 very narrow lanes, with a long island in between. Not only do you get maybe a foot and a half clearance on either side (Jersey barriers), but they aren't even doing any construction on the 'Island' in between the split lanes.
I guess people flock here and put up with it since everything in a 100 mile radius is boring farm land. We drove through... Sorry, but the old/historic downtown didn't roll out any kind of GPS red carpet, so we pushed on. Our second KOA night, the tent was broken out for the first time, and was put up before sunset... barely. Interesting neighbors. seems they,ve been KOA hoping for a few years, and were planning on staying at that particular branch for another 3 months. ??? We talked to to her for a while, and discovered that they are tenting it... and spend up to a year at a single KOA location (if I am not mistaken, it was in West Virginia). She was excited to get a plug in mini refrigerator later on this week. NOT my cup of tea... We are enjoying KOA so far, but I can't see myself staying more than a few days\ in any one location. It's hard to tell where the KOA ends, and the trailer park starts. Many people have 'settled' in, and there are even a few trailers/camp site for sale... Christian asked me why we seem to run into so many interesting people... I replied only that we have navigated our way into the Real World (F U MTV!); I believe the metaphorical light bulb went on instantly.
Pictures were as boring as the scenery. 'Pic' of the litter was snapshot of pick up game of Polo, and a 6 wheel tractor and his rig (we did see 8 wheel super tractors, and Hobby Farms for sale as well.

We are pushing on... need to get out of the Quebec Province!

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