Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.
Tad Williams

In loving memory of Madeleine and Robert Richardson. I am grateful for the time that we had, and I miss you both. You will be with me where ever the road may lead.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

back on track...

Wonderful overnight trip to Kilarney Ontario. Saw 3 bear (only had camera for one of them). All 3 within 25-50 yds away. the one pictured was hitchhiking along 637... the other two (mom and cub) were walking along the other side of the creek near our campsite. VERY cool! Incredible wilderness around here. Local orchids are blooming in the wild... pollen hasn't really dumped yet, water is temperate, plentiful and super clear. Great area to visit and/or get away from it all. we met this guy Nick that was there to "get away from the city". He lives in Toronto, and works for DE BEERS as a geologist. He essentially helps them find high end diamonds. They have him traveling a lot, working at different mining sites that they own, and he came out to wind down a bit. We invited him over for a few beers and some conversation around our fire, and chatted him up well into the night. good times all around, except for monster mosquitoes and wet wood.
We decamped and headed to Sudbury for lunch. Cool little town, good eats, and I had to post one of the most interesting bathroom signs of all time... Then back on the road. destination Sault St Marie. Just a stones throw away from the US border. I just realized that Michigan had that chunk of land, east of Wisconsin. I guess since it isn't connected to Michigan as I knew it, it fell off my radar until recently. You learn something new every day.
Christian is beat, so he's going to chill and catch up a bit. I'm going to do a couple local day hikes in the next couple of days. I sometimes forget that he is older and doesn't have as much energy as I. Unfortunately I don't know too many gung-ho hiking, climbing, exploring, extreme nature freaks my age... none that volunteered for a 3 month super excursion anyways. Anyways, he'll hold down the fort, and I will go on a couple side missions.
Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Mary, check the bottom of the post. there should be an orange "Comments" link... as far as I know, since you are a member of the blog, you should be able to post comments. It may be that you need to sign in to Blogspot first (basic acct info set up required?). on my screen the SIGN IN link is at top right of the screen
