Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.
Tad Williams

In loving memory of Madeleine and Robert Richardson. I am grateful for the time that we had, and I miss you both. You will be with me where ever the road may lead.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

British Columbia North to South

I essentially crossed 3 territories as big or bigger than Texas in 5 days. The toll I put on Dante was too much... I was only a couple hours away from my destination of Vancouver, on a 13 or 15 degree grade I started loosing my brakes. I was barely able to pull over in time to hit a large flat patch of gravel. As soon as I came to a full stop, all 4 brakes started smoking. Oops, lol.
Other than that, my trip through BC went well. I picked up a hitchhiker near the end of the Yukon. James was on the side of the road with nothing but the clothes on his back and an MP3 player. We had a great time for the 3 day ride, he navigated me through the good short-cuts that GPS ignores, and I was able to get him to his family on Van Island in record time.
 HUGE Bison
 Natural Hot Springs
 Now that is clean water
 I'll take the Log Cabin #1 Combo to go please...
 James and I
Vancouver at last
Well, I've had a good time in Vancouver. I was able to catch up on some sleep, I got to sample the food, I visited Stanley Park, the markets, downtown, and got Dante into the shop. ARGH! New rotors, new calipers, new brake pads, and 2 new shocks... YES this BC, Yukon and Alaska are rough on automobiles... Be forewarned! I will post a more detailed acct of Vancouver at a later time, but I need to hit the road and get back to the lower 48 today. Will rest my bones in Washington tonight. BUT, I must add that Vancouver is a REALLY cool city, and I will put it, and Vancouver Island (which I must $kip for now) at the top of the list for places I want to visit/revisit
Special thanks to Clara and Dave for the hospitality

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had fun here in Van! Good luck with the rest of your adventure!
