Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.
Tad Williams

In loving memory of Madeleine and Robert Richardson. I am grateful for the time that we had, and I miss you both. You will be with me where ever the road may lead.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The most beautiful part of Canada (so far) is...

Star Date: July 2nd, 2011. Captain's Log:
The drive from Calgary to Jasper along Hwy 1 West, then Hwy 93 North is by far the most spectacular piece of highway I have EVER been on, and I've seen a lot of road in my short 36 years. I can't fathom being able to describe the day trip in one or even a hundred posts. A small indication of how spectacular the sights were; I clicked off close to 3 gigs of pictures (that I still need to sort through). This is near as many as I have taken through out the rest of the trip.
It was a beautiful day. Mostly sunny, 61 degrees (dropped to 56 in parts), and everyone was on the road. Being that it was the Canada day weekend, I suspect that this was a high traffic day. I have to admit that a lot of people seemed to be drifting in their lanes, myself included. I think it is impossible to concentrate exclusively on the road through this terrain. I stopped at one point, and was completely mesmerized by the force, color and backdrop of the rivers and streams around here. The snow melt dumps a specific combination of copper and other minerals into it's streams that give it it's unique color. If I were to try to describe it, I'd have to say it was a low grade, slightly smoky Jade color. I was hypnotized for a few seconds, maybe minutes, watching the color change as the strong current ran and danced along the river bed. A side stream fed into the stronger main branch, and it's water was clearly darker; it seemed to be closer to the color of clay and moss. But somehow it's effect on the new, combined color, was minimal. Indescribably beautiful. I somehow knew that a picture would not do it justice, so that particular image of that moment in time and space can only be found in my own memory.
Until I sort through them all, here a some pics of the vista from the overflow campground I spent the night in... A simple field, no electricity, no running water, no cell reception, completely surrounded by mountain peaks. This truly is God's country as they say; I'll have a little slice of heaven for dessert...
Re-emphasis, these are just a sample of pics, all taken from the campground. Most have enough definition for some good zooming action
now watch what happens when the light changes
zoom in...
Sunset, even though it was still bright out for another hour and a half
does it get any better than this? Well I can think of one thing that is missing...
Good Company! We had a pot luck of foods, drinks and stories from the road. btw, they have me beat. They've been on North American roads since october, and have quite a ways to go yet.
Yes this day goes at the very top... truly a magical experience!

Well I am in Burns Lake today, heading for Prince Rupert. Should be there in 6 hours. Will post again at next wifi hot spot

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